From the book: “Attracting Private Money Lenders: And 17 Vital Keys To Creating Wealth While Building A Profitable Real Estate Investment Business

Attracting Private Money Lenders

Most real estate investors want to know how to get private money. The real question is, what do I need to be, and how does my business need to look, to catch the eye of a Private Money Lender?

Too many real estate investors excuse themselves from putting forth the effort to pursue private money because the do not feel successful, smart, or magnetic enough to close in on it.These characteristics are important and we will talk about them.

We also want to be aware of other traits that high-wealth Private Money Lenders look for, as well as their perception of what your business can do for them.


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Attracting Private MoneyAttracting Private Money Lenders: And 17 Vital Keys To Creating Wealth While Building A Profitable Real Estate Investment Business
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John Pribble

Real estate Investor, Broker, and private money expert. Adventurer that lives life to the fullest. John is also the author of Attracting Private Money Lenders & 17 Vital Keys To Creating Wealth While Building A Profitable Real Estate Investment Business.