Mar 21, 2014 | House Selling Tips
Texas Home Buyers: The summer’s a great time to sell your house. The skies are blue with fluffy white cotton candy clouds; the garden can be a riot of colors with flowers in full bloom; and your house can be open to fresh air and bright days. So make the most of...
Mar 14, 2014 | House Selling Tips
Home inspectors sometimes miss an item that the buyer finds to be a potential liability on the part of the seller. Hire your own inspector before listing the house to give you the best assessment possible of all systems. Watauga Texas House Buyers: When you are...
Mar 7, 2014 | House Selling Tips
We Buy Houses in Fort Worth Texas: Once you have decided to get rid of all the clutter in the house, you might be confused on where to start from because in all probability all the rooms have clutter in them. The best place to start of your de-cluttering process is...
Feb 28, 2014 | House Selling Tips
Make sure someone is always there with you and never show your house alone. Sell Your House Faster! SaginawTX: If a stranger was driving down the street and pulled up in front of your house, would you invite him in? Would you not only take him into your main living...
Feb 21, 2014 | House Selling Tips
“You can buy inexpensive light fixtures at most large discount stores and home improvement centers.” How to Sell Your House – Grand Prairie TX: Try installing new light fixtures to upgrade the look of a room. Selling your house means you want it to...
Feb 7, 2014 | House Selling Tips
The common dilemma with homeowners wanting to buy a new house is whether to buy first, then worry about selling or sell first, then look for the new home. Texas House Buyers – Real Estate Tips: All home sellers have the same dilemma. They wonder if they should...