Lead Tracking Spreadsheets
“If marketing is what drives your business, then tracking your leads is the steering.”
This workbook of spreadsheets helps you to track all your marketing from your own website and SEO to purchasing leads, sending mailers, bandit signs, or any other method of advertising you utilize. Everything you could want to know about your advertising is provided here so that you know how much you spend to get leads, how much you spend to close a deal, how many leads are required to close a deal, how much you make on those deals, and so on, to be sure that you are continuing to spend your marketing dollars in the most profitable way possible.

Click any Spreadsheet image below for the full image. (Will open in a new window)
WEBSITE SHEET: This sheet helps you to track the number of leads you receive from your website as well as the number of deals you close from those leads, the profit per deal, and the cost of your website and online advertising. |
MAILERS SHEET: This sheet helps you to track the number of leads you receive from your mailers, the number of pieces mailed, the number of calls you receive from those pieces, as well as the number of deals you close from those mailers and calls, the profit per deal, and the cost of your mailers. You can go one step further by inserting the cost of four different mail pieces so that the sheet will automatically fill in the total cost depending on the number of pieces of any particular mailer you decide to send that month. |
INTERNET, NEWSPAPER, BANDIT SIGNS, REFERRALS SHEETS: These sheets are set up the same as the website sheet. Any form of advertising you use can be tracked within these sheets. |
TOTAL RESULTS SHEET: Total results of all your advertising throughout the year are provided on this sheet. It shows you the number of leads you’ve generated, number of deals closed from each method of advertising, and expresses that as a percentage as well. The sheet also calculates the number of leads you had to get to close one deal, the amount of money spent per lead, the amount of money spent to close one deal, and the profit you have received using that method of advertising. Lastly this sheet totals up all the advertising costs and profit from each method of marketing you utilize. |
MONTHLY COST PER LEAD SHEET: This sheet breaks down your monthly lead cost for each method of advertising tracked, shows the number of leads to close a deal, amount of money spent per lead, and the amount of money spent to close a deal. This allows you to track your monthly results as well as total results anytime within the year, annual results at the end of the year, and helps you to make changes quickly if one form of advertising is not working. |
INDIVIDUAL MAILER RESULTS SHEET: Tracking mailers individually is important as certain mail pieces, dates, or specific neighborhoods may return better results than others. On this sheet you can enter the area and date mailed, number of mailers sent, cost of the mailer, leads received, and the number of deals done. The sheet then returns the response rate, ratio of the number of mailers to deals closed, ratio of the number of leads to deals closed, amount spent per lead, and the amount spent to close a deal for each individual mailing. |
PROFIT PER DEAL SHEET: On this sheet you can simply enter the profit you make on your deals, wholesales, flips, keepers, etc. so that you can see the total all on one sheet. There are two columns so you can track them separately and they are totaled together at the bottom for both profit and number of deals. |

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