Return Sheets
These sheets analyze any property from multiple exit strategies showing you the true numbers for flipping, renting, owner finance, using a lender only, or sharing equity with your lender.
There are seven spreadsheets within the return sheets workbook. Use these sheets for yourself as well as your PMLs. You can control what sheets are seen so that you can email whichever sheet you would like your PML to review.
COVER SHEET: The cover sheet is a place for you to enter all the details of the property, purchase price, ARV, tax value, estimated rent, taxes, insurance, and repair costs for flip, rental, and owner finance. The information entered on the cover sheet is applied to all the other sheets for your convenience. Administrative controls are included on the cover sheet so you can change the password for different users, or hide sheets so that only specific sheets are available for viewing. |
RENT – PML AS LENDER This sheet is to be provided to your PML and shows them all the details of the transaction in which they are your lender only and you plan to keep the property as a rental. Information about the property, purchase price, as well as buying costs and financing terms are included. An amortization table is provided where you can select either a balloon or fixed rate loan, and your PML will see how much interest they will be paid in dollars for each year of the loan. |
RENT – PML AS PARTNER: This sheet shows both you and your PML all the details of the transaction in which your PML is your lender and equity partner and you plan to keep the property as a rental. Information about the property, purchase price, purchase costs, and holding costs, along with the projected cash flow for you and your PML partner are included. Also included is your PMLs financial return in dollars for both interest and any cash flow to be split. An amortization table is provided, and you have the option of selecting a balloon or fixed rate loan. Additionally, an estimated future sale section is included so that both you and your PML can see your annualized returns if you decided to sell and cash out of the property at a future date for a given amount. |
FLIP – PML AS LENDER: This sheet shows both you and your lender all the details of the transaction in which your PML is your lender only. You plan to rehab and flip the property and pay your lender interest on the loan. Information about the property, financing, purchase price, as well as buying, holding, repair, and selling costs are provided. Finally, both you and your PMLs dollar and percentage returns are included. |
FLIP – PML AS PARTNER: This sheet shows both you and your lender all the details of the transaction in which your PML is your lender and partner. You plan to rehab and flip the property, pay your lender interest on the loan and split the gain from the sale with them. Information about the property, financing, purchase price, as well as buying, holding, repair, and selling costs are provided. Finally, both you and your PMLs dollar and percentage returns are included. |
OWNER FI – PML AS PARTNER: This sheet shows both you and your PML all the details of the transaction in which your PML is your lender and equity partner and you plan to sell the property owner finance and carry the note. Information about the property, purchase price, purchase costs, and holding costs, along with the projected cash flow for you and your PML partner are included. Also included is your PMLs financial return in dollars for both interest and any cash flow to be split. An amortization table is provided, and you have the option of selecting a balloon or fixed rate loan. Additionally, you can enter your owner finance terms and calculate your buyers payments. An amortization table is provided for your owner finance buyers payments as well. Additionally, your return is calculated based on the timeframe for your owner finance buyer to refinance and cash you out. |
INVESTOR RENT: This sheet is for you as the investor when you are purchasing a rental property and using bank funds or your PML as a lender only. All of the details of the transaction are shown. You can choose between interest only or principle and interest loan as well as just one lien or two. Your annual expenses are shown here and you can estimate your vacancy rate and maintenance expense for the year. The return on investment as if this were a cash purchase is provided for informational purposes. The yearly projected cash flow is shown for each year as is an amortization table for payments. This sheet forecasts your cash flow. |